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【 Hebi Quanfeng 】 Teachers and students from Henan University of Science and Technology visited and studied in Quanfeng

 2023-05-24 Click:2458次  Share: 分享到QQ空间 分享到微信 分享到微博

Visit the Quanfeng Exhibition Hall to gain a detailed understanding of the company's development situation

To strengthen students' understanding of enterprises and enrich their understanding of majors. On the afternoon of May 24, 2023, more than 150 teachers and students, including Wang Luwei, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Resources and Environment at Henan University of Science and Technology, and Liu Junfeng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, visited and studied in Quanfeng.

Visit the Quanfeng Preparation Production Workshop

Tell about corporate culture

Sales experience and case sharing

Zhang Guowei, the representative of outstanding graduates from Henan University of Science and Technology and the general manager of Yigu Agriculture, gave a wonderful sharing on the sales issues that students were concerned about. Through this exchange and learning, the students have gained a deeper understanding of Quanfeng, and at the same time, they have strengthened school enterprise communication and hope to provide more internship and employment opportunities for students.
